Sample Workshop Agenda

8-8:30 am
1. Introductions over breakfast
2. Defining authentic research experiences in intro biology
3. Break and Team Consultation with Facilitators –All Facilitators
• OUTPUT: Goals of CURE Module (panel on poster)
4. Approaches to developing and incorporating authentic research experiences in
introductory laboratory courses, examples from facilitators
• OUTPUT: Type of Research Module (panel on poster)
11:30 – 12
5. Assessing objectives of authentic research experiences
• OUTPUT: Objectives and Assessment Plan for Research Module (panel on poster)
12 – 1:30
6. Development of course-based research experiences by project teams over lunch
OUTPUT: Module Specifics (panel on poster)
1:30-2 Break and Team Poster Preparation
2:00- 3:45
7. Team presentations of ideas for course-based research experiences, including
approaches to assessment and overcoming barriers
4:00 – 5:00
8. Personal and institutional barriers to implementing authentic research experiences
• OUTPUT: Supports, Funding, and Barriers (panel on poster)
5:00 – 5:30
9. Next steps for development, implementation, and institutionalization
• OUTPUT: Timeline (panel on poster)

Time and Place TBA: REIL Poster Session @ Conference Session “Embedding Authentic
Research into Introductory Biology Lab Courses”.

Post conference: Facilitator follow-up by conference calls/email