REIL-Biology Workshop at ESA 2015

REIL-Biology hosted a day-long workshop (WK-1) on August 8, 2015, at the beginning of the annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America (ESA) in Baltimore.  Workshop participants will present their preliminary work on a research module at a lunch workshop during the meeting.

At the Sunday workshop, participants worked with faculty who have experience in course-based research to:

  • hear about the benefits of course-based research experiences for students and faculty
  • discuss the components of a course-based research experience
  • describe barriers to incorporating course-based research experiences in introductory biology at their institution
  • learn about strategies for overcoming barriers to implementing course-based research experiences
  • work in institutional teams to begin to develop research modules for their introductory biology courses
  • discuss approaches to assessing course-based research experiences

Travel funds are available to help defray the costs of institutional teams attending the work.

The deadline for applying for the workshop has passed.

For more information about the 2015 ESA meeting, see